Jeep Winches: Dana 20 PTO Adapter
Joe's Dana 20 PTO adapter is off a late 60s or early 70s Jeep pickup
with a Dana 20. He guesses that a shorter version might have been
available for CJs because this version puts the PTO shaft very close
to the frame rail and it apears that the shaft will hit the cross
The astute may notice that Joe's pictures depicting the the Dana
20 PTO adapter mounted to the transfer case actually show the adapter
bolted to a Scout Dana 300. The adapter will NOT work on a Dana 300.
The gear will not mesh poperly and the casting of the case interfers
with the operation. Joe bolted the adapter on the Dana 300 to
illustrate how it attaches.
Matt O'Brien sent some pictures from
his CJ-p5 that show his adapter bolted to a Dana 20.
Front the front you can see the drive shaft going off to the PTO winch.
From the passenger side, the lever to engage the PTO is visible. Matt
doesn't have all the linkage hooked up, so he enjoys crawling under his
Jeep in deep water and mud to pull that lever.
From the rear you can see the lever to engage the PTO and the rear
PTO output of the adapter. You can also see the ground clearance
lost by the Dana 20 PTO adapter, it isn't nearly as bad as one would
think it would be. The Dana 20 already has a deep oil pan and the bulk
of the adapter is toward the high side of the transfer case.
From the drivers side you can see the front and rear PTO outputs for the
PTO adapter and the PTO shaft going up front.
Identification Information
Some identification information off of the PTO
Transfer case adaptor
Ramsey Winch / STC-2 / 73001
Chain drive cover
STC-5W / 73080
Transfer case adaptor
Ramsey Winch / STC-2 / 73001
Chain drive housing
STC-3 / 73002
Thanks to Matt O'Brien
and Jeepin Joe Heinrich for the Dana 20 PTO adapter pictures and
Last modified Wednesday, 01-Dec-2010 09:10:13 MST
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